Welcome to Siberia...
We have been promised that one of the consequences of global warming will be more volatile weather. Today it delivered, with more snow than I can ever remember seeing in England. Sefton Park is a beautiful place anytime, but with the snow it was fun...

The Brits weren't going to be put off by a mere bit of snow though, I particularly admired the guy with the walking stick.
Look, more snow, and some water too. Seemed strange that we had so much snow but the pond hadn't frozen over.
I wasn't sure if these critters were fighting or just trying to do some exercises to keep warm.
Last but not least, I think this was some of the most fun I've ever had on a bike, so much opportunity for skidding and getting the wheels spinning. Also you could ride straight into a big drift, climb off and the bike would stay standing.... Love it.
Nice Pictures!
You should have a caption competition for the one with the birds/ducks whatever!
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