Fern Seed and elephants
This is a story all about how my life got... never mind. All I really want to do is mention a CS Lewis essay that seems to deal well with some of the issues to do with liberal theology. It seemed particularly relevant at Christmas, with that random Channel 4 'documentary' about Jesus' secret family. Lewis writes:
All theology of the liberal type involves at some point - and often involves throughout - the claim that the real behaviour and purpose and teaching of Christ came very rapidly to be misunderstood and misrepresented by his followers, and has been recovered or exhumed only by modern scholars. ... The idea that any man or writer should be opaque to those who lived in the same culture, spoke the same language, shared the same habitual imagery and unconscious assumptions, and yet be transparent to those who have none of these advantages, is in my opinion preposterous. There is an a priori improbability in it which almost no argument and no evidence could counterbalance.
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