variations on a welsh theme
So today I've decided to carry on posting Welsh pictures, for two main reasons. 1) I have a lot of Welsh pictures and 2) I have very few other ideas.
So here they are

For those of you who are in a long-term relationship with this blog, you may remember me talking about Super Gran, and this is her. She may look harmless enough, with the knitted cardigan and cup of tea in hand, but don't be fooled. See the expression on her face, that's Super Gran deciding whether to conquer Australia or China next.

This is a Welsh Chapel. And it really is. We must have seen 50 or more chapels that looked exactly like this, there was hardly any variation at all in design. If McDonalds built churches they'd look like this. Simple. Functional. And yet still.... there's something more here than McDonalds.

Last but not least, another picture of my oldest niece Emma, once again demanding to see pictures before I'd even taken them. I was talking to Ben, my brother in law about this. Emma has never known a time without digital photography, for her it's normal to be able to see a picture the moment it's taken. It was interesting having a holiday with 4 generations of my family, and thinking about what each generation accepts as normal that the previous generation would have considered luxury or impossible.