Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dude Where's My Car - a social commentary.

Some time ago Dr Steven Atwell and I discovered that a film we'd only ever thought of as an immature tacky comedy was actually a profound critique of american teen culture. That film was Dude Where's My Car.

Our two heros Chester and Jesse, while appearing to be complete boneheads, are in fact the logical extension of an American education system that spoon feeds young people without ever encouraging them to develop enquiring, outward looking minds.

The premise of their journey is that they are looking for Jesse's car, but as with so many films of this kind the key point is the journey itself, and all the discoveries they make. Their journey takes them into the marketplace of ideas, where they find several different ideologies competing for their attention.

The first is the hot babes. They represent commercial America. They are all appearance and no substance, they make promises that appeal to the basest natures of Jesse and Chester.

Ahhh, I can't be having with this anymore. Anyone who was still reading seriously is officially gullible. It was fun winding DK up with it though....


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Kat said...

aw man, I was actually looking forward to hearing your british take on the ever-so-popular staple of american culture! ;)

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Danny Kwon said...

okok... you got me. don't get too excited tho. i'll get you back you sick ex-science teacer-who-gets-a-kick-out-of-tricking-young-minds. be afraid. oh, be very afraid... you havn't seen the last of me...

At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Dk dont worry about it!!! It was really dumb and dumber that is a social commentry on 90s america.

You will have to have another chat with myself and Molly moll moll

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

tim you're such a punk

but actually, you can in fact make analogies about pretty much anything.

take for example kiwis...


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